The Model 664 may be used on a floor or desk stand or carried in the hand. It is equipped with a pop-proof wire mesh grille which minimizes wind and breath blasts.

The preferred instrument for serious home and semi-professional recording, the 664 is also an ideal choice for quality sound reinforcement systems, particularly where acoustic problems exist. Because of its excellent and uniform polar response, it is especially useful in locations where acoustic feedback, ambient noise, and severe reverberation exist. The Model 664 is an all-purpose public address microphone designed to fulfill requirements of wide-range reproduction under a great variety of conditions. This variable front-to-back distance along with dynamic-type construction affords high resistance to mechanical shock and eliminates proximity effect. The resulting phase and amplitude conditions produce a uniform cardioid pattern over a wide frequency range. These three sound entrances, each utilizing the proper acoustical impedance, combine to form one effective back entrance which varies in distance from the diaphragm inversely with frequency.

The cardioid pattern is obtained through use of three sound entrances located in the back of the diaphragm. It is designed specifically for public address applications. The Electro-Voice Model 664 is a cardioid microphone of the dynamic type with only one moving element.